In 'Off the Wall', I had a drink which was possibly the best cocktail ever. It was called a Neon Dream, and it tasted amazing. Think Lovehearts, mixed with candyfloss and cream soda. Definitely a hardcore, MANLY drink...!
'Cruise' was stupidly packed, with seemingly thousands of people milling around, not really going anywhere, but still blocking every possile route anywhere. It was pouring with rain, and we had to queue for ages to get in, but it was a good evening nonetheless. Although the décor in the club made it feel cold, possibly due to the 'Svenska' theme...
Chester itself, nightlife aside, is a pretty nice place. We walked along the walls, and saw Wales in the distance. Lots of medieval buildings, more pseudo-medieval buildings, sneakily rebuilt, and a fair helping of coffee shops. All in all, a nice break from the monotony of One Stop. Speaking of which, my next shift starts in 3 hours and 8 minutes.... :(