Thursday, 10 December 2009

Computer Update.

So, an update on the computer situation. It's still dead, and there doesn't seem to be any imminent revival on the horizon. This is problematic for a number of reasons:

My bank card is only going to be activated and sent to me once i've uploaded a photo of myself onto the bank's website, which I now can't do. I'm reluctant to use a public computer, as some sneaky French man will probably steal my password, PIN, then money. Not good. Basically, I won't get my French bank card until about February. I leave in April. Hmm.

Also, the generic lesson for the next couple of weeks was the classic 'Christmas wordsearch', which was to be found on the internet, and I also can't talk to anyone on Skype, rendering me completely cut off from the world.

I'm typing this in the CDI at my Thursday-and-Friday school. The CDI's basically a library, but with less books, less computers, and more chairs. Facebook is blocked here. Upsetting stuff! It doesn't help that the keyboard is all messed up and French too, so I keep typing Qs instead of As.

Basically, I miss my computer. I'm probably a bit too reliant on it, to be honest. What did people do before the internet?! I might have to read one of those 'book' things, or even talk to someone in real life. Frightening!

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