So I decided to have an afternoon of various bits and pieces, or whatever caught my attention. This is roughly how it went:
- I ate a packet of Skips - an English luxury.
- I put my socks into rainbow order. Brown, black and white threw me; I snuck in pink between Red and Orange. Or, as I like to call them, 'Richard' and 'Of'.
- I ate Green and Black's chocolate intermittently from 3pm to 9pm. Best chocolate ever.
- I 'read' a chapter in my French grammar book. Not sure what it was about...
- I accidentally listened to Westlife on Spotify, and it turns out I know all of the words. I blame Louisa, my older sister.
Nothing too exciting, but it's surprising how easy it is to waste six hours without even realising it. Now, do beige socks come before or after 'York'...?