Reading isn't exactly the nicest of places, by a long way, but it made a nice change from French life for a bit. I stayed with Frida, who lives in a studenty road near Reading University. It's a typical English-city area, clogged with cars, and with row upon row of identical brick-built houses.
Being in England also meant that I could do some good ol' English shopping. Sainsbury's garish orange bags have never looked so good. I thus returned with a strange assortment of food:
Dairy Milk chocolate
Rich Tea biscuits
Mini Eggs
Fig Rolls
Nescafé Gold Blend
This looks like a reasonable list, except for the fact that I hardly ever eat any of these foods when i'm in England. I have no idea why I decided to buy them, but it temporarily makes my food cupboard look British, until the sneaky croissants start to take over again...
Come back please. I've run out of apple tango. xxx