Monday, 1 March 2010

Back in Nantes, again,

I've just returned to Nantes from my half-term holiday, which I spent in England. it was nice to be back in the country, and see various people who I haven't seen for a while.

Reading isn't exactly the nicest of places, by a long way, but it made a nice change from French life for a bit. I stayed with Frida, who lives in a studenty road near Reading University. It's a typical English-city area, clogged with cars, and with row upon row of identical brick-built houses.

Being in England also meant that I could do some good ol' English shopping. Sainsbury's garish orange bags have never looked so good. I thus returned with a strange assortment of food:

Dairy Milk chocolate
Rich Tea biscuits
Mini Eggs
Fig Rolls
Nescafé Gold Blend

This looks like a reasonable list, except for the fact that I hardly ever eat any of these foods when i'm in England. I have no idea why I decided to buy them, but it temporarily makes my food cupboard look British, until the sneaky croissants start to take over again...

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