Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Art Gallery

Today, as part of a 'cultural day', I went to visit the 'Musée des Beaux Arts' in Nantes. Basically, an art gallery. It was surprisingly big, and they had a few artists I actually knew, like Kandinsky, Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso, Rodin and Renoir.

The museum itself, as you can see from the staircase photo, is pretty grand. And, as it was Wednesday lunchtime, it was quite empty.

My favourite painting was one by Picasso, but I also liked this next one. I'm not even sure what's going on in it, but it made a nice change from the Renaissance works:

I've decided, however, that a lot of art is overrated. Water lilies are all very nice and everything, but was it really necessary to paint them 250 times, Claude?! And the record price for a Monet Water Lillies is £41,000,000. Too, much, I reckon. Especially when there's still 249 others knocking around, and you can buy a full-size print in the museum shop for 15€.

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