Some of them tasted better than they looked.
Most of them looked better than they tasted.
This first one is ostrich. Yep, ostrich. I found a section in Auchan, the nearest supermarket, which has strange meats from around the world. Ostrich tastes similar to beef - I had mine well-done, as it was a thick piece, and I didn't fancy getting ostrich-poisoning... This was actually the second ostrich meal I had - the first was with baked beans, which went surprisingly well with it.

This next meal is pork in a roquefort sauce. Pork seems to be the cheapest meat here, so i've been eating a fair amount of it. Sorry, pigs.

These are authentic Swedish meatballs, from Ikea. The Ikea in Nantes is pretty close to both of my schools, so I can pop in on the way home and get interesting Swedish food. My kitchen currently contains: dillsill, kottbullar, salt sill, djungelvral, lingonsylt, lingonsaft och senap. For you non-Swedes, that's rollmops, meatballs, licorice, licorice monkeys, linonberry sauce, lingonberry juice and mustard. Probably won't use them all in the same meal.

This last meal is a good, old-fashioned steak. I made the chips on the hob, but had to keep juggling everything around to cook it all. There's two hobs, but they're so close together that you can't really fit two pans on at the same time. Useless, really...

Anyway, one of the main points of this was to show Mum and Dad that i'm actually eating healthily. Look, Mum - Brussels' sprouts, broccoli, carrots, potatoes, and salad. Healthy Gavin.
Good lord, Gavin, I think you've done more cooking recently than I have! I couldn't send the family over could I?